The translator’s (in)visibility: the representation of Abed in Footnotes in Gaza


  • Gabriela C.T.N. Nascimento



Translation, interpreter, sensibility, otherness, visibility


The role of the interpreter, translator, guide or fixer is often omitted in conflict zones. The representation of translators, interpreters and linguists are hardly ever portraited in the news. However, broadcasting the news, collecting data, files and interviewing witnesses require a journalist or reporter to be accompanied by a local interpreter in war contexts. In order to better illustrate the importance of a linguistic and cultural mediator, one of the many roles that the interpreter performs, I chose the book Footnotes in Gaza, written by Joe Sacco. It is a  great work in terms of journalism, literarature and language. It brings various elements regarding the world of translators and interpreters in dangerous situations. The reconstruction of war memories, recollections and events are attatched and patched with Abed’s help, Sacco’s interpreter during his second visit to Gaza. Otherness and identity are highlighted in the narrative. The autobiographical tone of the graphic novel blends with his objective journalistic view delivering a unique piece of work. The interpreter, who was previously unknown, becomes visible to the reader as well as to the media. Thus, some examples of the representation of Abed show the status of (in)visibility of the interpreter and how delicate and dangerous is their job.


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Author Biography

  • Gabriela C.T.N. Nascimento

    Bacharela em Letras - Tradução - Inglês, Mestra em Estudos da Tradução. Tradutora. Tradução de Histórias em Quadrinhos. Clássicos da literatura em quadrinhos: uma análise do ponto de vista da tradução intersemiótica (2014), Estrangeirização e domesticação nos quadrinhos de Tintim (2014).



How to Cite

Nascimento, G. C. (2016). The translator’s (in)visibility: the representation of Abed in Footnotes in Gaza. TradTerm, 27, 201-216.