About the Journal

Acta Fisiátrica (ISSN 0104-7795 | e-ISSN 2317-0190) is an open-access scientific journal published quarterly electronically. Acta Fisiátrica is the official publication of the Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Hospital das Clínicas and the Department of Legal Medicine, Bioethics, Occupational Medicine and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (IMREA HCFMUSP), being supported by the Faculty of Medicine Foundation Medicine and the Brazilian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (ABMFR).

Acta Fisiátrica has no submission, processing, or publication fees and does not generate any economic advantages for the Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Hospital das Clínicas of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo. The institution covers the publishing costs entirely as part of its social and corporate responsibility. To increase the internationalization of the articles published in Acta Fisiátrica, the authors must bear the English translation costs of the accepted manuscript when submitted in Portuguese.



Disseminate the knowledge of the Brazilian community of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, especially publicizing articles written in Brazil, without disregarding the scientific production of authors from other countries. The Journal understands that foreign contributions can provide new approaches to problems faced within the country.


Frequency of Publication



Peer Review

All manuscripts received by Acta Fisiátrica undergo an initial analysis by the Editors, who assess the matter and context of the article regarding scope, originality (using anti-plagiarism software), and adherence to the Journal's standards. The approved manuscripts in this phase are then peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers from the journal's staff or "ad hoc" reviewers. A "double-blind" procedure is standard during the peer-review process such that the authors and reviewers are unaware of each other's identity. If there is no agreement between the reviewers' opinions, the Journal's Editorial Board will arbitrate the decision.

The reviewers will observe the originality, relevance, and methodological and scientific quality criteria. The results of the evaluations can be:

Accepted: This result indicates that the manuscript meets the journal standards and guidelines, meaning that the manuscript is qualified to undergo layout editing;

Mandatory corrections: The manuscript has merit, but major adjustments must be performed so that it meets the journal standards and guidelines;

Rejected: The manuscript does not meet the journal guidelines and standards.

Acta Fisiátrica has the right to reject the evaluation of manuscripts that meet the journal's scope but fail to meet the above criteria. A preliminary analysis will verify the compliance with the criteria and the scientific merits of the manuscript. If the manuscript meets the journal's instructions to authors and has scientific merits, it undergoes the editorial process.


Copyright Policy

Authors sign a copyright transfer form (Copyright Disclosure) at the submission. Published manuscripts become the property of the journal Acta Fisiátrica.

Journal content is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA License. This license allows others to remix, adapt, and build upon the published article for non-commercial purposes only, as long as they give the author proper credit and license their new creations under identical terms.


Digital Preservation Policy 

Acta Fisiátrica is preserved online by the  Public Knowledge Project (PKP) and the Brazilian Network of Digital Preservation (Rede Brasileira de Preservação Digital) (IBICT) which provides free preservation services to any Open Journal Systems (OJS) journal that meets a basic set of criteria.


Privace Policy

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by Acta Fisiátrica and will not be released for other purposes or to third parties.


Open Access Policy

Acta Fisiátrica offers immediate open access to its content, as the journal follows the principle of delivering scientific knowledge to the public to provide greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.



       Agência de Bibliotecas e Coleções Digitais