Estimation of degree days accumulated in the cycle of fruiting of avocado (Persea Americana, Miller) cultivars


  • Antonio A. Lucchesi ESALQ; Departamento de Botânica
  • Heitor W. S. Montenegro ESALQ; Departamento de Agricultura e Horticultura
  • Nilson A. Villa Nova ESALQ; Departamento de Física e Meteorologia
  • Antonio C. Florencio ESALQ; Departamento de Botânica



According to the meterological data of the cultivation region, using the summation of accumulated degree days above a minimum called basic temperature, we can make the estimation of growth periods, maturation moment, and moments to make pes; and disease controls. With this subject it was studied the behaviour with relations to the cycle of fruiting of the Pollock, Collinson, Prince, and Wagner cultivars in three regions of Sao Paulo State: Novo Horizonte, Limeira, and Itapetininga. It was used the method of VILLA NOVA et alii (1972) to make these determinations. It wasverified that certain specific cultivar growing in climatically different regions needs the same quantity of degree days to complete the cycle of fruiting. Is was determined that the cultivar Pollock needs about 2513 degree days; Collinson 3767; Prince 4138 and Wagner 4480. Depending of the race of origin of the avocados, we can determine a range of accumulated degree days for the different cultivars to complete the cycle of fruiting. So, the cultivars of the Antilhana race, considered premature, need 2164 to 3554; the Guatemalense race, considered slow, need 3729 to 4708, and the hibrids (Antilhana. x Guatemalense) need 3278 to 3790 degree days accumulated.


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How to Cite

Lucchesi, A. A., Montenegro, H. W. S., Villa Nova, N. A., & Florencio, A. C. (1977). Estimation of degree days accumulated in the cycle of fruiting of avocado (Persea Americana, Miller) cultivars . Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 34, 317-325.