The concept of territory for institutional management of photographic heritage on human rights: the case of the National Archive of Memory (Argentina)




Argentina, National Archive of Memory, Human rights, Photographic documents, Archival territory


The essay seeks to discuss the concept of territory as the structuring base of the holdings lines of institutions dedicated to the management of photographic documents. Such definition is fundamental for those institutions accomplish, with quality, their role in the consolidation and preservation on a specific photographic heritage territory. It is important to point out that such a conception does not necessarily imply the establishment of geographical borders, rather, they depend on the symbolic — and, of course, political — conformation of a documentary set and its relations with society. In concrete terms, the essay discusses the institutional conformation of the National Archive of Memory, in Argentina, and its photographic documentary holdings, analyzed from the point of view of their contextual characteristics and their relationship with the territory of human rights.


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Author Biography

  • André Porto Ancona Lopez, Universidade de Brasilia

    Doctor en Historia Social y especialista en organización de archivos por la Universidad de São Paulo (Brasil). Docente de la Universidad de Brasilia (Brasil), Facultad de Ciencias de la Información. Coordinador del Grupo de Investigación en Acervos Fotográficos (GPAF-CNPq,) e integrante del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Archivos Fotográficos y Audiovisuales, del Consejo Internacional de Archivos (PAAG-ICA). E-mail: <>.



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How to Cite

LOPEZ, André Porto Ancona. The concept of territory for institutional management of photographic heritage on human rights: the case of the National Archive of Memory (Argentina). Anais do Museu Paulista: História e Cultura Material, São Paulo, v. 28, p. 1–25, 2020. DOI: 10.1590/1982-02672020v28e18. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jun. 2024.