The Condition of Exile: David Perlov's Permanence behind the Image in Diary 1973-1983




Diary 1973 - 1983, Filmic Diary, Exile, Narration, Image


The article proposes a reflection on the condition of exile in the work Diary 1973-1983 by David Perlov, a Brazilian filmmaker based in Israel, beyond its usual conception (that of a filmmaker retreating into his own apartment from where he would produce the first images of his filmic diary). Taking as a starting point the feeling of foreignness that the filmmaker carried and his announced desire to document everyday life (the facts and nothing else), I present an exile of a different nature that is characterized as a retreat behind the image or to a metaphysical space-time between image and spectators.


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Author Biography

  • Gabriel Fampa, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

    Gabriel Fampa é artista e pesquisador. Doutorando em Artes Visuais pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes da UERJ, é mestre pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Artes Visuais da EBA/UFRJ e graduado em Ciências Sociais pelo IFCS/UFRJ. Em sua pesquisa de mestrado, investigou a obra cinematográfica Diary 1973-1983, diário fílmico do cineasta brasileiro David Perlov, radicado em Israel aos 28 anos de idade.


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How to Cite

Fampa, G. (2023). The Condition of Exile: David Perlov’s Permanence behind the Image in Diary 1973-1983. ARS, 21(49), 415-454.