To let yourself be fooled


  • Ana Julia Marko ECA-USP



Spectator, Pedagogy, Theatricality.


This article analyzes an experience conducted with participants of a pedagogical process starting from the exposure of scenic artifice and theatrical lie. In dialogue with ideas of theatre theoreticians, such as Josette Feral and Oscar Cornago, the article aims to comprehend the spectator of this scene which takes itself as scene. Can the stage/ audience mediation be made only by the scene’s operation, games, materiality, and rules? The relationship between audience and work established by the theatricality is the subject of this article.


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Author Biography

  • Ana Julia Marko, ECA-USP

    Mestre em Pedagogia do Teatro. Professora substituta de disciplinas na área de Teatro e Educação na ECA-USP e coordenadora pedagógica da escola profissionalizante Incenna. 


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