Coevolutionary parameters and politic contexts to analise and develop processes of creation


  • Marila Annibelli Vellozo Campus Curitiba II/UNESPAR



coevolution, dance, real time, ways of organization, authoritarianism


Basing creation or organization of methodologies on the artist’s experiences and own way of understanding the world seems to be an active political path. Still, this text assumes that the ways of organizing an artistic creation can be structured in Real Time from what emerges from the dynamics proposed during a process, not necessarily being given a priori. Through the author’s experience and systematization of her own creative processes in dance, this article aims to address the idea of methodology as a coevolutionary aspect to the creation process, being necessary to regard the political context in which the dramaturgical and aesthetic choices are developed, as well as the mechanisms that insist on restricting spaces of participation, individual freedom, and autonomy.


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Author Biography

  • Marila Annibelli Vellozo, Campus Curitiba II/UNESPAR
    Doutora em Artes Cênicas pela Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA). Professora no curso de Dança do Campus II da Universidade Estadual do Paraná (Unespar). Líder do grupo de Pesquisa em Dança da Unespar. Artista e pesquisadora na área da dança


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How to Cite

Coevolutionary parameters and politic contexts to analise and develop processes of creation. (2016). Revista Aspas, 6(2), 46-56.