Embodied stonework: reflection on the urban immunization process from the relationship between body and stone


  • Maeza de Vasconcelos Donnianni Universidade Estadual do Paraná




City, Community, Counterpower, Immunity, Crowd


The discussion is dedicated to reflecting on how relationships are shaped in the contemporary crowd, highlighting the ways in which biopower operates in urbanity, which aim to immunize the community. For that, we relate the ways in which the stone and the body in the city are ordered in similar ways in the system. In a game of body that rocks and moves stone, we propose a look at deviations, stumbles as a possibility of breaking this oppressive logic of life power.


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How to Cite

Embodied stonework: reflection on the urban immunization process from the relationship between body and stone. (2020). Revista Aspas, 10(1), 57-69. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2238-3999.v10i1p57-69