The refugees' mobilization and its languages. Ethnographic notes on a field of interlocution in transformation


  • Silvia Zelaya Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



Imigração, Refugio, Protagonismo migrante, Autorepresentacão, Mobilização política


The objective of this article is to discuss, based on ethnographic experiences in events of visibilization and sensitization of the migratory is- sue in the city of São Paulo, how the forms of political mobilization produced by the Group of Refugees and Homeless Immigrants (Grupo de Refugiados e Imigrantes Sem Teto – Grist), can be seen as privileged scenarios for thinking about the current migratory context as a field of interlocution in transforma- tion. I understand that in addition to the self-representation proposal, these demonstrations – from talks on the war in the Democratic Republic of Congo to musical performances in bars and restaurants, besides lectures in libraries and educational institutions – can stimulate the construction of more plural less stereotyped representations of the immigrants as well as attitudes of critical confrontation to other migrant groups and communities. 


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Author Biography

  • Silvia Zelaya, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
    É licenciada em Sociología pela Universidad de La Laguna (2008), mestre em Investigación etnográfica, teoría antropológica y relaciones interculturais pela Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (2010) e mestre em Governanza y Derechos Humanos pela Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2012). Realizou estudos em Relaciones Internacionales na Universidad del Salvador (Argentina, 2002). Atualmente é pesquisadora no Programa de Pós Graduação em Antropologia Social da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Tem experiência na área de Antropologia, com ênfase em Estudos Migratorios.





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How to Cite

Zelaya, S. (2017). The refugees’ mobilization and its languages. Ethnographic notes on a field of interlocution in transformation. Cadernos De Campo (São Paulo, 1991), 25(25), 400-420.