Becoming anthropologist in the lands of agrobusiness

adversities and challenges in anthropological work in Mato Grosso do Sul


  • Lauriene Seraguza Universidade de São Paulo



Mato Grosso do SUl, Guarany, Kaiowa, Desafios, Fieldwork


In this essay I try to reflect on my training in anthropology in Mato Grosso do Sul, a state known for the expansion of agribusiness, taking into account the need to think about anthropological work when living in a context of adversity, as the scenario is known between the Guarani and Kaiowa. As a result, the demands of the anthropologists who work with the Guarani people go beyond the theoretical-methodological reflections and meet daily life, the judiciary, state agencies and the struggle of indigenous peoples for their existence.


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Author Biography

  • Lauriene Seraguza, Universidade de São Paulo

    Possuo graduação em Letras Licenciatura com habilitação em Português-Inglês pela UFMS (2005)/UFGD(2006). Mestre em Antropologia Sociocultural pela UFGD/PPGAnt (2013), na linha de pesquisa em Etnologia Indígena. Doutoranda em Antropologia Social no PPGAS/USP. Atuo nas áreas de Etnologia Indígena, com ênfase nas temáticas de organização social, parentesco, transformações e cosmologias ameríndias e gênero entre os Kaiowa e Guarani em MS.





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How to Cite

Seraguza, L. (2018). Becoming anthropologist in the lands of agrobusiness: adversities and challenges in anthropological work in Mato Grosso do Sul. Cadernos De Campo (São Paulo, 1991), 27(1), 335-349.