Ce que la descente du hamac dit du genre chez les Wayãpi de Camopi


  • Olivia Braconnier Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès. Laboratoire LEEISA (CNRS-UG-Ifremer) https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8992-8697
  • Sylvine Walacou Camopi Health Center




The article concerns the experience of Wayãpi women in the commune of Camopi, in French Guiana, and deals specifically with the behavioral prescriptions and treatments that frame the moment of their first period. The bodies of young girls are then considered to be particularly sensitive to attacks from malicious entities. The ritual of descending from the hammock organized at the end of the confinement of the first period constitutes a parallel moment of reproduction, because the women of previous generations organize it in order to transmit to young girls physical and mental capacities such as motivation. at work and resistance to pain. However, our Wayãpi interlocutors highlight the equivalence between the ritual of the first menstruation for women and that of the birth of the first child for men, thus showing that the main capacities expected of adults are the same, whatever their gender. .


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Author Biography

  • Olivia Braconnier, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès. Laboratoire LEEISA (CNRS-UG-Ifremer)

    Olivia Braconnier is anthropologist and after a master's degree in tropical botany, worked for two years as a school teacher in Camopi. She then resumed a course in anthropology, and her master's research focuses on the processes of becoming-woman among the Wayãpi de Camopi.


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How to Cite

Braconnier, O., & Walacou, S. (2021). Ce que la descente du hamac dit du genre chez les Wayãpi de Camopi. Cadernos De Campo (São Paulo, 1991), 30(2), e193360. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-9133.v30i2pe193360