Garden events and artistic and anthropological partnerships with plants: Teresa Siewerdt in conversation with Joaquim Almeida


  • Joaquim Pereira de Almeida Neto Universidade de São Paulo
  • Teresa Siewerdt Universidade de São Paulo



Contemporary Art, Gardens, Plants


This text is a writing experiment mediated by plants. Its objective is to explore the possibilities of encounter between two disciplinary worlds that, despite being interested in a series of common themes and subjects, remain quite separate: the world of contemporary art and the world of anthropology. The text, which takes the form of a conversation, is guided by the presentation of four artistic works developed by Teresa Siewerdt between 2013 and 2019 and by a kind of root argument that seeks to undiscipline the recurring view of the garden and draw attention to the relationships established by plants and to what they can teach us.


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Dossiê Alteridades Vegetais

How to Cite

Almeida Neto, J. P. de, & Siewerdt, T. . (2023). Garden events and artistic and anthropological partnerships with plants: Teresa Siewerdt in conversation with Joaquim Almeida. Cadernos De Campo (São Paulo, 1991), 32(2), e215769.

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