Daily practices and intersections the Catholic Church and familiar groups in popular settlements of the Buenos Aires Suburban Area


  • Laura Santillán Universidad de Buenos Aires




Catholic Church. Daily practices. Intersections. Familiar groups


The interest of this article is to descri-
be and analyze, from an anthropological perspecti-
ve, the relations and the processes of intervention
of the Catholic Church in popular neighborhoods
in the suburban area of Buenos Aires City (known
as “Gran Buenos Aires”). We are particularly inter-
ested in documenting the practices and the interac-
tions between the Catholic Church and the social
groups that belong to popular settlements, especia-
lly regarding the resolution of different dimensions
of social life such as education, children care and ur-
ban organization. Unlike the approaches that tend
to separate the experiences of the subjects from the
structural conditions, we propose an ethnographic
study which recovers the network of interventions
of the Catholic Church in its everyday life dimen-
sion and related to the relations of power.


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Author Biography

  • Laura Santillán, Universidad de Buenos Aires
    Professora e investigadora do Departamento de Ciências Antropológicas/UBA
    Doutora em Antropologia Social





Articles and Essays

How to Cite

Santillán, L. (2008). Daily practices and intersections the Catholic Church and familiar groups in popular settlements of the Buenos Aires Suburban Area. Cadernos De Campo (São Paulo, 1991), 17(17), 111-132. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-9133.v17i17p111-132