Visual Interpretations through the Territories of Political Ecology: Simi-larities and Differences between Eastern and Western Amazon




Political ecology, Culture, Nature, Contemporary art, Amazon.


The present paper seeks to outline a visual and anthropologicalreading of four recent artistic processes, which think different portions of theAmazon landscape through a debate within the political ecology. These artisticprocesses, two from Brazilian artists of Eastern Amazon, Luciana Magno andÉder Oliveira, two from Colombian artists of the Western Amazon, Julián Dupont and Henry Salazar, show other ways to discuss axes such as asymmetric developments, ecological concerns and visual responses to the deconstruction ofhegemonic economic reasons, aspects of great relevance for the anthropologicalstudies. With the methodological use of Clifford Geertz’s interpretivism, underPostcolonial and Decolonial perspectives of authors such as Arthuro Escobar,Gabriela Nouzeilles and Enrique Leff, among others, we define a debate in whichwe opt to take a position as allied with a change in our social path until a civili-zation of diversity, an ethic of frugality and a low entropy culture.


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Author Biography

  • John Fletcher, Universidade Federal do Pará (PPGA/ UFPA).
    Aluno de Doutorado em Antropologia pelo PPGA/UFPA e Mestre em Artes pelo PPGArtes/UFPA. Durante o Doutorado, realizou estudos e pesquisas na Universidad del Cauca, em Popayán, Colômbia (primeiro semestre de 2015). É integrante do "Grupo de Estudos Culturais da Amazônia" (GECA).





Articles and Essays

How to Cite

Fletcher, J. (2016). Visual Interpretations through the Territories of Political Ecology: Simi-larities and Differences between Eastern and Western Amazon. Cadernos De Campo (São Paulo, 1991), 24(24), 71-89.