Comuniação Popular: por uma genealogia do povo


  • Eduardo Yuji Yamamoto Universidade Estadual Paulista, Bauru



genealogy, popular communication, epistemologic of communication, popular culture, episteme.


From the genealogic method developed by Friedrich Nietzsche (Genealogy of the Moral) and appropriated to Michel Foucault (Genealogy of the power) in its analysis on knowing in sciences human beings, this article develops some questionings concerning the relevancy of a genealogy for the scienc of the Popular Communication. One is overcome as estimated the dispersion of the popular concept that characterizes innumerable the practical comunication, validated from the models theoretician-metodologic of traditional social sciences. We demonstrate as such insufficient models become front the current partner-politician-cultural
configuration, idea from bios midiatica. As it arrives in port theoretical we use the concept of episteme and know-power of Foucault in order to justify the genealogic procedure, beyond the notion of dialogia of Bakhtin to observe the mutations of popular (while the sign refracted in discursive pratical) in the virtual plan of the culture. Finally, we explicit the paper of the Popular Communication as configured of the practical popular comunication as its delimitation of legitimated epistemologic. That is, episteme that answer the phenomenal in this field.


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Author Biography

  • Eduardo Yuji Yamamoto, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Bauru
    Jornalista graduado pela Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL), especialista em Comunicação Popular e Comunitária (UEL), e mestrando em Comunicação
    Midiática (linha de pesquisa: produção de sentido na comunicação midiática) pela Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP – Bauru, SP). Integrante do grupo
    de pesquisa “Mídia e Sociedade” (CNPq). Bolsista CAPES.






How to Cite

Comuniação Popular: por uma genealogia do povo. (2007). Caligrama (São Paulo. Online), 3(1).