Language as a battlefield. The American expression kuika according to Gamaliel Churata


  • Dorian Espezúa Salmón Universidad Nacional de San Marcos



Churata, diglossia, multilingualism, miscegenation, kuika, hybridism, identity.


The last critical edition of El pez de oro (EPO), written by Helena Usandizaga and published by Cátedra in 2012 has influenced the way in which readers analyze Gamaliel Churata’s (Arturo Peralta Miranda) work. That situation transformed him into a canonical writer in the Peruvian and Latin American literature. Actually, Churata has come from a cult writer, almost not read or understood, into a writer whose works have been studied by researchers worldwide. He was born in Arequipa and before his literary fame he was known by important activities the Grupo Orkopata (GO) performed in Puno (a Peruvian highland small town located more than 3800 meters above the sea level on the banks of Lake Titicaca), which was published by the famous Boletín Titikaka (BT) between August 1926 and June 1930. It is well known that BT was the means of dissemination of the most important manifestations of Peruvian vanguard and, perhaps, Latin American vanguard. This paper intends to understand, analyze, characterize and interpret Churata’s linguistic proposal, which appears especially in the first part of his book EPO, published in 1957, although he started writing it in 1927, when its title was HOMILÍA DEL KHORI CHALLWA


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Author Biography

  • Dorian Espezúa Salmón, Universidad Nacional de San Marcos
    Profesor asociado del Departamento de Literatura de la Universidad Nacional de San Marcos. Premio Nacional de Educación en 1998 y Premio Nacional de Ensayo en 1999. También ejerce la docencia en el Departamento de Lingüística y Literatura de la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal.


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Espezúa Salmón, Dorian. “HOMILÍA DEL KHORI CHALLWA o ¿Cómo puede haber un indio que no hable?”. In: Entre lo real y lo imaginario. Una lectura lacaniana del discurso indigenista. Lima: Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, 2000, 135-149.

Galdo, Juan Carlos. “Campo de batalla somos: saberes en conflicto y transgresiones barrocas en El pez de oro”. In: Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana. Año XXXVI, N° 72. Lima-Boston: 2do semestre de 2010, 369-391.

Hernando Marsal, Meritxell. “Una propuesta lingüística vanguardista para América Latina”. In: Estudios 18:35 (enero-julio 2010), 49-75.

Huamán, Miguel Ángel. Fronteras de la escritura. Discurso y utopía en Churata. Lima: Editorial Horizonte, 1994.

Mamani Macedo, Mauro. Quechumara. Proyecto estético-ideológico de Gamaliel Churata. Lima: Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades, 2012.

Morote Gamboa, Godofredo. Motivaciones del escritor. Arguedas, Alegría, Izquierdo Ríos, Churata. Lima: Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, 1989.

Usandizaga, Helena. “Introducción”. In: Churata, Gamaliel. El pez de oro. Madrid: Cátedra, 2012, [1957]

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How to Cite

SALMÓN, Dorian Espezúa. Language as a battlefield. The American expression kuika according to Gamaliel Churata. Caracol, São Paulo, Brasil, v. 1, n. 9, p. 19–91, 2015. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2317-9651.v1i9p19-91. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 jun. 2024.