Justice and fairness in John Rawls


  • Cícero Oliveira Universidade Federal de Goiás. Faculdade de Filosofia.




Justice, Fairness, Moral values, Reasonable pluralism, Political liberalism


This article aims to develop a statement of the political conception of justice as fairness of John Rawls, with special attention to what the author contends that his moral traits. (i) By way of a brief introduction, the first part of the text you want to contextualize and justify the priority given to work Justice as fairness – a makeover. (ii) The second part explains the "ideal theory" as analysis horizon of justice. (iii) In the course of the argument presented by Rawls, the third part is important to make the reconstruction of the "key ideas" required the delimitation of the political conception of justice, emphasizing its moral aspects. (iv) Finally, continuing to characterize the theory of justice of John Rawls, the fourth and final part examines the principles of justice proposed as encouraging the development of two moral powers. In general, for the American philosopher theory justice as fairness is actually the most reasonable form of political liberalism that tries to articulate a set of moral values, applicable quintessential political and social institutions of the "basic structure". A separate instance of the other associative relationships, such as family and personal relationships.


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How to Cite

Justice and fairness in John Rawls. (2015). Cadernos De Ética E Filosofia Política, 2(27), 114-128. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1517-0128.v2i27p114-128