Playing and living: correlations. A Kantian interpretation


  • Wagner Barbosa de Barros Sem registro de afiliação



Kant , moral, education , anthropology , game


For Kant, games play an extremely important role in human life, as they are responsible for putting the mind into activity and, in doing so, encouraging it towards sociability, moderation and refinement. According to his Lectures on Pedagogy and Anthropology, the games are not a mere distraction, they are a great tool for learning to live. The objective of this article is to, at first, recover some biographical data about Kant to clarify, in the light of games, the dynamicity underlying the austerity of carrying out the German philosopher's famous routine and, then, conceptually explore the emphasis that Kant gives to games in the moralization process of children and adults.


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Author Biography

  • Wagner Barbosa de Barros , Sem registro de afiliação

    Doutor em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos.


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How to Cite

Playing and living: correlations. A Kantian interpretation. (2023). Cadernos De Ética E Filosofia Política, 42(2), 55-69.