Construção da imagem joseense: influência no espaço urbano, na arte e na composição da identidade de São José dos Campos/SP


  • Ana Maria da Cunha Rosado Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie



When studying the history of São José dos Campos we can find divergent points between the popularly known history, and reinforced in its civic elements, and the documental history. The present work aims to present, briefly, the history of São José dos Campos; going back to its past as an Indian village, its senatorial phase and its period of industrial growth. The general objectives are: to demonstrate how the image that the municipality today carries, predominant in its urban space, is shaped and what are the impacts on the local identity. Using as methods the analysis of documents, research on the themes addressed, field visits to collect data from the urban landscape of Jose, use of some works of local artists and reports of residents in social networks of free access to compose the popular look.


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Author Biography

  • Ana Maria da Cunha Rosado , Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

    Doutoranda na Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie



How to Cite

Rosado , A. M. da C. . (2022). Construção da imagem joseense: influência no espaço urbano, na arte e na composição da identidade de São José dos Campos/SP. Cadernos CERU, 33(2), 08-25.