Maintenance strategies, accommodation and implementation of habitus in a scenery in change


  • Roger Marchesini de Quadros Souza Universidade Metodista de São Paulo



Educational reform, Teachers strategies, Habitus, Cultural capital


Having the background in the implementation in the São Paulo state public school of the Cycles Regime with Ongoing Progression, focusing the concepts of habitus, cultural capital and pedagogical authority of Pierre Bourdieu, this article analyzes the testimony of four public school teachers, with an emphasis on elements relating to his reaction and strategies developed to overcome impasses caused by this educational reform.With this analytical reference, seek to verify in the testimonial the impact, and contradictions that such reform has resulted in habitus and cultural capital of teachers, as well as strategies for overcoming the conflicts that teachers develop. This identification is possible from the recognition of the key elements that are expressed in teachers discourses who reveal their cultural capital, habitus and teaching strategies for overcoming the conflicts that arise with the implementation of the reform.


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Author Biography

  • Roger Marchesini de Quadros Souza, Universidade Metodista de São Paulo

    Professor Pesquisador do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação – UMESP. Doutor em Educação – PUC-SP.
    End: Rua Perú, 466, apto 71 – Vila Gulhermina – Praia Grande – São Paulo – CEP: 11702-250. Tel: (13)3379-3484


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SÃO PAULO, SECRETARIA DE EDUCAÇÃO. Resolução SE Número 27, de 2002.

SOUZA, Roger Marchesini de Quadros Souza. Repetência Multidisciplinar: um estudo sobre ofracasso escolar no Ensino Fundamental. São Paulo: Dissertação de Mestrado em História e Filosofia da Educação, PUCSP, 1998.





Dossiê Amazônia

How to Cite

Souza, R. M. de Q. (2014). Maintenance strategies, accommodation and implementation of habitus in a scenery in change. Cadernos CERU, 25(1), 241-262.