Hilda Hilst

the non-stop practice of poetry


  • Arlindo Rebechi Junior Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)




Hilda Hilst (1930-2004), Brazilian poetry, lyric tradition


The presentation of the poet Hilda Hilst is made under two poles, among many other possible: (1) in what represents her initial formation moment, represented by her debut book Presságio (1950); (2) and her interest in dialoguing with the classical models of the lyrical tradition, which was the object of research and production of poems throughout his journey as a poet.


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Author Biography

  • Arlindo Rebechi Junior, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)

    Professor of the Human Sciences Department of the School of Architecture, Arts and Communication (FAAC) of Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), he performs on several undergraduate courses and on the Graduate Program in Communcation. PhD in Brazilian Literature by the School of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences of Universidade de São Paulo.


ARÊAS, Vilma; WALDMAN, Berta. Hilda Hilst, o excesso em dois registros [interview with Hilda Hilst, Jornal do Brasil, Oct. 7, 1989]. In: HILST, Hilda. Da poesia. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2017. p. 563-569.
BANDEIRA, Manuel. Antologia Poética. Rio de Janeiro: José Olympio, 1978.
BILAC, Olavo. Poesias infantis. Rio de Janeiro: Livraria Clássica de Francisco Alves, 1904.
CANDIDO, Antonio. Na sala de aula: cadernos de análise literária. São Paulo: Ática, 1985.
COELHO, Nelly Novaes. Da poesia. Cadernos de Literatura Brasileira: Hilda Hilst. v. 8, p. 66-79, Oct. 1999.
COLI, Jorge. Meditação em imagens. Folha de S. Paulo, São Paulo, 14 jun. 1996. p. 5.
HERINGER, Victor. Posfácio. In: HILST, Hilda. Da poesia. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2017. p. 532-550.
HILST, Hilda. Da poesia. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2017.
______. Das sombras. Cadernos de Literatura Brasileira: Hilda Hilst. v. 8, p. 25-41, Oct. 1999. Interview.
PÉCORA, Alcir. Nota do organizador. In: HILST, Hilda. Exercícios. São Paulo: Globo, 2002. p. 7-8.
______. Nota do organizador. In: HILST, Hilda. Cantares. São Paulo: Globo, 2002. p.



How to Cite

Rebechi Junior, A. (2018). Hilda Hilst: the non-stop practice of poetry. Comunicação & Educação, 23(2), 165-177. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-9125.v23i2p165-177