The conditions of sustainability, the organization and the effects of “midiativismo” in Rio de Janeiro




Media activism, Alternative communication, Independent communication


This article is the second of a trilogy about “midiativismo” (media activism). In the first one, recently published, the origins and the social conditions for the formation of its collectives are approached; in the third one, their ideology will be portrayed. Here, the focus is on the functioning of such groups, how they face the challenges of activism and the struggle for human rights, the weakening of popular manifestations, as well as the hegemony of corporate media. The networks of cooperation formed among “midiativistas”, the search for resources for sustainability and the disputes between groups are central aspects to understand the phenomenon of “midiativismo”, showing its influence in transforming the hegemonic means of audiovisual creation.


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Author Biographies

  • Elis Carneiro Silva, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

    Graduanda em Ciências Sociais pelo Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Uerj

    Bolsista de iniciação científica pelo Laboratório de Comunicação Dialógica da FCS/UERJ

  • Barbara Bandini, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

    Licenciatura em Artes Visuais pelo Instituto de Artes da Uerj

    Colaboradora do Laboratório de Comunicação Dialógica da Uerj

    Bolsista de Extensão no projeto Cerâmica Viva - Instituto de Artes da Uerj 



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How to Cite

Macedo, M. E., Silva, E. C., & Bandini, B. (2020). The conditions of sustainability, the organization and the effects of “midiativismo” in Rio de Janeiro. Comunicação & Educação, 25(1), 80-92.