Os rumos do Ensino Superior brasileiro em contexto de crise: da Declaração de Córdoba aos cortes no orçamento das Universidades





Higher education , Public university, Public good, Financing models, Crisis


Marco Antônio Rodrigues Dias, author of the work Higher education as a public good: prospects for the centenary of the Declaration of Cordoba, gave an interview in which he reflects on the past, present and possible futures for higher education in Brazil. Dias is a retired professor of the University of Brasilia (UnB) and former director of the Division of Higher Education of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) in Paris (1981-1999). In the interview, he discusses higher education as a public good and also considers the last years operating forces in the private model of higher education in Brazil.


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Author Biography

  • Dione Oliveira Moura, Universidade de Brasilia
    Liziane Soares Guazina
    PhD in Communication, researcher at the Culture, Media and Politics Research Group and the Center for Media and Politics Studies at the University of Brasilia. Former Vice-director (2015-2019) and Professor at the Faculty of Communication. Professor of the Graduate Program in Communication of the University of Brasilia (UnB). Email: lguazina@unb.brORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4765-6918
    Dione Oliveira Moura
    PhD in Information Sciences, Master in Communication. Associate Professor and researcher of undergraduate and postgraduate studies, as well as Director of the Faculty of Communication (2019-2023) of the University of Brasilia (UnB). Manager in scientific associations, she served as Editorial Director (2004-2007) and President (2012-2014) of the Brazilian Association of Journalism Researchers (SBPJOR); Director of SOCICOM and currently (2018-2020), is Director of ABEJ. Email: dioneoliveiramoura@gmail.com.br ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2857-3284




How to Cite

Guazina, L., & Moura, D. O. (2020). Os rumos do Ensino Superior brasileiro em contexto de crise: da Declaração de Córdoba aos cortes no orçamento das Universidades. Comunicação & Educação, 25(1), 130-143. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-9125.v25i1p130-143