Impacto da Covid-19 nos sistemas de mídia: consequências comunicativas e democráticas do consumo de notícias durante o surto


  • Andreu Casero-Ripollés Universitat Jaume I de Castelló


Palabras clave:

Covid-19, Consumo de notícias, Comunicação política, Democracia, Jornalismo


Covid-19 is a phenomenon of enormous magnitude and relevance. Its impact has affected various social domains, including the media and journalism. Since the beginning of this health crisis, news has become a valuable resource for citizens. Studying the dynamics of information consumption is highly relevant both for its ability to transform the media system and for its incidence in democracy. The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of the Coronavirus on news consumption, the credibility given by citizens to the media as well as their ability to detect fake news. To answer these questions, we have conducted an exploratory and initial analysis based on the secondary data from the online surveys of the Pew Research Center’s American Trends Panel in the United States, comparing data before and after the outbreak. The results confirm the impact of Covid-19 on the media system [...]


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Cómo citar

Casero-Ripollés, A. (2020). Impacto da Covid-19 nos sistemas de mídia: consequências comunicativas e democráticas do consumo de notícias durante o surto . Comunicação & Educação, 25(1), 109-129.