The National Museum beyond the Palace: three Projects in the Botanical Garden of Quinta da Boa Vista


  • Marina Correia Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



Architectural project, Architectural heritage, Social memory, University museums


The Imperial Palace, headquarter building of the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro, suffered a major fire on September 2, 2018, which devastated much of its interior and compromised not only its collection, but also the dynamics of the scientific community that interacted there on a daily basis. Three projects developed in an emergency action coordinated by professors from the School of Architecture and Urbanism of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro are presented with the aim to reveal the spatialities of the National Museum and its functions beyond Paço Imperial, in the Botanical Garden of Quinta da Boa Vista. These are small-scale interventions of subtle visibility that make up, through the lens of architectural design, a critical analysis of the spatial conditions and functional dynamics that involve the history and present of the National Museum. Initially, the theoretical and practical framework of the interventions will be presented, with focus on the debate about the critical potential of the architectural project and its forms of representation. Then, some methodological themes for the development of architectural projects in the academic environment will be addressed with the intent to foster the participation of student and faculty in the processes of transformation, maintenance, and expansion of public university infrastructure.


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Author Biography

  • Marina Correia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

    Graduada em Arquitetura pela The City University of New York. Mestre em Arquitetura pela Harvard Graduate School of Design. Doutora pela Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo (FAUUSP). É sócia do escritório Atelier de Arquitetura e Desenho Urbano e membro dos grupos de pesquisa Urbanismo, Crítica e Arquitetura (UrCA) da FAUUFRJ e Pensamento Crítico e Cidade Contemporânea (PC3) da FAUUSP. Leciona projeto de arquitetura atualmente na Pratt Institute em Nova York. Lecionou anteriormente na Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Rhode Island School of Design e Spitzer School of Architecture – The City University of New York e na Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (FAUUFRJ), onde coordenou a Ação Projetual: Museu Nacional.


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How to Cite

Correia, M. P. (2022). The National Museum beyond the Palace: three Projects in the Botanical Garden of Quinta da Boa Vista. Revista CPC, 17(33), 242-267.