Narrate to know the ways of being-work-exist: the (difficult) scenario of contemporary work


  • Daniele Almeida Duarte Universidade Estadual de Maringá



Work, Narrative, Psychosociology, Collective health


In this paper, we used the discursive fields that allows to glimpse who is the individual and its media, focusing the discussion from the Collective Health and Psychosociology assumptions, to discuss the complex scenario of the contemporary laboring. In order to unravel the ways of being-work-exist, which combine socius and subjectivity, we propose the narrative as a device capable of highlighting the complexity of this phenomenon. These theoretical-conceptual bases allow the researcher, health professionals and different social actors to identify what on the laboring act against the body, as well as what affects the subjectivity. Thus which form of existence are forced in the singular and social field. In this perspective, we have as a challenge recognizing the workers women and men as knowledge individuals, that by assuming their voice and protagonism can provide means for labor and social transformations.


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How to Cite

Narrate to know the ways of being-work-exist: the (difficult) scenario of contemporary work. (2016). Cadernos De Psicologia Social Do Trabalho, 19(2), 187-199.