Reasons for studying the career constructions of emerging adults in the post-pandemic: narrative review and a research agenda for career guidance and counseling




Labor, Life project, Identity, Young adults, Vocational guidance


The crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic has been impacting the working world, and emerging adults are shaping up to be one of the groups that will be most affected post-pandemic, since they will reconstruct this world and dictate trends for the future. Thus, this article proposed a narrative review for legitimizing the importance of studying emerging adult career constructions in the post-pandemic and the potential implications for career guidance and counseling (CGC). To this end, the article identified the scenario for potential post-pandemic research agendas of the working studies field and systematized the state of the art of studies on career construction of emerging adults in Brazil, the gaps in research and interventions in CGC, and the main impacts generated by the pandemic, highlighting the specific impacts for emerging adults. All these systematizations stressed the need to study the working lives of this group, which is under-represented in working studies in general, mainly in the CGC field, and which, potentially may suffer significant and relevant consequences in the post-pandemic.


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How to Cite

Reasons for studying the career constructions of emerging adults in the post-pandemic: narrative review and a research agenda for career guidance and counseling. (2023). Cadernos De Psicologia Social Do Trabalho, 26, e-191447.

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