Weaving the sociability, the press and the imaginary: Interview with Guillaume Pinson (Laval University - Canada)


  • Yuri Cerqueira dos Anjos Universidade de São Paulo




Guillaume Pinson, press, discourse, fashion, cultural history


Guillaume Pinson, professor of the Literature Department at Laval University, is one of the most important researchers on the history of media culture in francophone Europe and North America. In this interview he presents the lines (theories, methodologies and themes) that were and are present throughout his career and which incarnate a real revitalization for the present of literary and media studies. While highlighting some corpus traditionally viewed as “inferiors” such as periodical press, high society, fashion, etc., he shows that it is possible to foresee a very fertile future for literary studies, once we adopt a new perspective on the system of circulation of texts in a given time.


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Author Biography

  • Yuri Cerqueira dos Anjos, Universidade de São Paulo
    Doutorando - USP. Mestre - ENS-Lyon.


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How to Cite

Cerqueira dos Anjos, Y. (2015). Weaving the sociability, the press and the imaginary: Interview with Guillaume Pinson (Laval University - Canada). Revista Criação & Crítica, 15, 188-194. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1984-1124.v0i15p188-194