The lyric weaving of a modern Penelope: alchemy of the nodes in Yeda Schmaltz




Yêda Schmaltz, ingrain, weaving, Penelope, eroticism


A alquimia dos nós (1979), of Yêda Schmaltz, reinvents the myth of Penelope in Homer's record, in the Odisseia. Through a female view, the constant lyrical voice in the book, especially in the first part, "Fios (O livro de Penélope)," develops the lyrical account of his union with Odysseus, the period suffering the absence of her husband and his return. The main change in the identity of Penelope from Schmaltz arises from reflection and treatment in relation to her sexuality and disenchantment to descry the beloved man when he returns. The verses that compose this work, often use the metaphor of weaving and fabric to characterize the lyrical voice as belonging to the heroine of the mythological past. But the metaphoric weaving also alludes  to Penelope´s  lonely  sexuality   and to the activity exercised by her, work with ingrain and poetic writing. This study undertakes reading the verses of Schmaltz from the considerations set on the metaphor of weaving and literary erotic consciousness developed by Hughes Liborel (1997), Ana Maria Machado (2001), Octavio Paz (2001) and Angélica Soares (1999).


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Author Biography

  • Paulo Antônio Vieira Júnior, Doutor pela Universidade Federal de Goiás. Professor Temporário da Universidade Estadual de Goiás.
    Professor da área de literatura. Desenvolve pesquisa sobre os temas: poesia, erotismo literário e modernidade lírica.


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How to Cite

Vieira Júnior, P. A. (2015). The lyric weaving of a modern Penelope: alchemy of the nodes in Yeda Schmaltz. Revista Criação & Crítica, 15, 136-159.