The Fortuny leitmotif and Odette: space and time on proust texture




Proust, fashion clothing, Fortuny leitmotif, Odette, space, time


The fashion of clothing is entirely connected into all Proust’s work and it is for this reason that we look at this two issues concerning the clothes: the Fortuny Leitmotif and the character Odette. Proust gave a very special attention to the Fortuny Leitmotif for the theme development evidences a detailed aesthetic architecture, which threads will find in their end clothes and the Fortuny tissue in consonance with art and cities, both reflecting entities of the affective space built by Proust’s texture. Concerning a distinct issue, although in a complementary literary thread, Odette, who does not participate of the leitmotif itself, emerges as an eternal character. The reason is that Odette has style and even though she does not follow fashion trends, she is one of the rare women who know how to build her own identity and otherness through her clothing representation. In other words, being for real on her time.


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Author Biography

  • Bernardete Oliveira Marantes
    Bacharel em Filosofia pela Universidade de São Paulo (2004). Mestre e Doutora em Filosofia também pela USP (2005-2011). Em 2009-2010 fez estágio em Paris na Paris III (Nouvelle Sorbonne), no Centre d'Études Proustiens, sob orientação de M. Pierre-Edmond Robert. Pesquisadora da obra de Marcel Proust (Em busca do tempo perdido/ À la recherche du temps perdu), pesquisou a arte musical à luz da filosofia de Henri Bergson no mestrado, e a moda das roupas e a correspondência entre as artes à luz da filosofia de Gilles Deleuze no doutorado.


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How to Cite

Marantes, B. O. (2015). The Fortuny leitmotif and Odette: space and time on proust texture. Revista Criação & Crítica, 15, 102-125.