Mythologies and the new critique of ideology in France


  • Gabriel Ferreira Zacarias Universidade de São Paulo



Mythology, Détournement, Shift, Ideology, Cultural industry, Society of the spectacle


In the following article I depart firstly from the concept of mythology, as presented by Roland Barthes in his work in 1957, where he tries to grasp the specificity of ideology in mass culture. The myth is characterized by Barthes as a form of discursive appropriation, or even as a “theft of language”. Secondly, I draw a parallel between the barthesian concept of myth and the artistic procedure formulated by Guy Debord under the name of détournement. Such a procedure, employed by Debord in his texts and cinematographic works, wasconceived as a way of re-appropriating and re-signifying the products of cultural industry, having as an ultimate goal to neutralize and reverse its ideological content. In that sense, Debord’s détournement can be seen as a practical realization of Barthes’ theoretical idea of “artificial myth”.


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Author Biography

  • Gabriel Ferreira Zacarias, Universidade de São Paulo
    Pós-doutorando em Sociologia pela Universidade de São Paulo, com bolsa da FAPESP. Doutor em Estudos Culturais pela Universidade de Perpignan (França) e pela Universidade Bergamo (Italia), com estágio doutoral na Universidade de Paris 10 (França).


BARTHES, Roland. Mythologies, Paris : Editions du Seuil, 1957.

DEBORD, Guy. Mémoires, Copenhague : Permild & Rosengreen, 1959.

DEBORD, Guy. La Société du spectacle, Paris : Buchêt Chastel, 1967.

DEBORD, Guy. Œuvres, Paris : Gallimard, coll. « Quarto », 2006, pp.221-229

DEBORD, Guy. WOLMAN, Gil J. « Mode d’emploi du détournement » in :. Les Lèvres Nues, n.8 Mai, 1956.

GENETTE, Gérard. Figures I, Paris : Editions du Seuil, 1966.

Internationale Situationniste n°8, Janvier 1963.


DEBORD, Guy. Sur le passage de quelques personnes à travers une assez courte unité de temps, p/b, 35mm, 20’, 1959.

DEBORD, Guy. Réfutation de tous les jugements, tant élogieux qu’hostiles, qui ont été jusqu’ici portés sur le film « La Société du Spectacle », p/b, 35mm, 20’, 1975.



How to Cite

Zacarias, G. F. (2015). Mythologies and the new critique of ideology in France. Revista Criação & Crítica, spe, 27-32.