Mythologies and its rumors – Barthes and colonization


  • Emi Koide Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp)



Barthes, Mythology, Colonization, History, Video, Photography.


I propose to present an analysis of the video Vita Nova (2009), by the artist Vincent Meessen, which  departs from a photographof the cover of Paris March Magazine from 1955. This photograph  –a young black boy saluting the French flag – is analyzed by Barthes in the text “Myth today” in Mythologies (1957) and it is deciphered as “alibi of colonization” (BARTHES, 1957, p. 203). In its development, the film reveals an unexpected relationship: the fact that Barthes’grandfather, Louis-Gustave Binger, was a colonial Explorer who ruled the territory corresponding to Ivory Coast nowadays.  The film appropriates from Barthes’ texts, twisting them and creating new meanings. I seek to identify some inflexions, displacements and other reflections based on Barthes’texts in this work, taking into consideration issues as myth, power, colonization and history. 


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Author Biography

  • Emi Koide, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp)
    Emi Koide é pós-doutoranda no departamento de História da Arte da UNIFESP, bolsista FAPESP com o projeto “Imagens da África – Espectros de colonialização do Congo (RDC)”.


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MEESSEN, V. Vita Nova [vídeo-instalação] Produção: Normal Asbl, Bélgica, Distribuição: Argos, 2009. DV, PAL, 28 min., cor, son.



How to Cite

Koide, E. (2015). Mythologies and its rumors – Barthes and colonization. Revista Criação & Crítica, spe, 143-147.