
  • Fabiano Dalla Bona Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



Gabriele D’Annunzio, Decadentism, Italian Literature, Aesthetic of food.


Undoubtedly Gabriele D'Annunzio is one of the most complex personalities of Italian culture and literature. A man with a marked aesthetic sense, a priest of taste, a lover of art and a connoisseur, a lover and a spectator of beauty and luxury, dandy by antonomasia, a cultivator of himself, he was also a gourmet. As a multifaceted character, it’s difficult to explain D’Annunzio in a few words. He was a lover of sweets and desserts, he consumed lots of fruit, and contrary to popular belief he was rather parsimonious at the table and engaged in long periods of fasting. This paper discusses the role of aesthetics in food, reviewing its role on basis of Perullo (2006), Visser (1998), Brillat-Savarin (1999), Grimod de La Reynière (2005) and some biographies and critical essays about the writer, this paper discuss the role of aesthetic in food, in gastronomy and in the rituals of the table described in Gabriele D'Annunzio’s works.


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Author Biography

  • Fabiano Dalla Bona, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
    Professor do Departamento de Letras Neolatinas - Área de Italiano e Programa de Pós-graduação em letras Neolatinas da UFRJ


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How to Cite

Bona, F. D. (2017). AESTHETIC DELIGHT OF THE FOOD IN GABRIELE D’ANNUNZIO. Revista Criação & Crítica, 18, 65-81.