The Gastronomic Prose of Pellegrino Artusi: culture, taste and distinction in a 19th century cookbook


  • Isabella Magalhães Callia Universidade de São Paulo



Artusi, Culinary ethnography, History of gastronomy, Interculturality of food, Italian Literature


The present paper uses the interpretative reading of the introduction of three recipes from the book The Science in the Kitchen and the Art of Eating Well: Practical Manual for Families, Compiled by Pellegrino Artusi (1891), considered the historical canon of Italian cuisine. Discussing the concepts of Culture, Taste and Interculturality, it seeks to problematize the relationship between the innovative written form of the work and its reception by the public. The intention here is to emphasize that the inclusion of the other - whether as subject or object - was a differential of Artusi's writing, and its intercultural aspects.


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Author Biography

  • Isabella Magalhães Callia, Universidade de São Paulo
    Master's Degree in Italian Language, Literature and Culture, by the Department of Modern Letters, FFLCH / USP


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How to Cite

Callia, I. M. (2017). The Gastronomic Prose of Pellegrino Artusi: culture, taste and distinction in a 19th century cookbook. Revista Criação & Crítica, 18, 82-95.