Literature between fragments of loss and self-referencial explorations


  • Susana González Universidad Nacional de Colombia



Hispanic American literature, fiction, self-reference, language and loss


The aim is to problematize some issues of the meaning of literary language and of the status of fiction. It will take into account a selection of texts from the work of two essential thinkers: Maurice Blanchot and Michel Foucault, as well as other critical texts of Paul de Man and Walter Benjamin. The intention is to start from these reflections to accommodate representative works of the current Hispanic American literature, which make precisely exploring the loss of speech, meanings of fiction and an authentic self-reflective poetry about the very act of writing. I present a selection of stories of three contemporary writers: from Sylvia Molloy (Argentina), Desarticulaciones; from Diamela Eltit (Chile), Padre mío; and from Piedad Bonnett (Colombia), Lo que no tiene nombre.


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How to Cite

González, S. (2017). Literature between fragments of loss and self-referencial explorations. Revista Criação & Crítica, 19, 42-53.