Memories in step and passes in O Drible


  • Marilda Aparecida de Oliveira Effting Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



memory, narrative, time, football, Brazil


In O drible, Sérgio Rodrigues draws a story riddled with elements known to the national environment, such as politics and its mischief, when he discusses situations inherent to the before and during the somber period of the Military Dictatorship in Brazil. However, football is the guiding thread for the constitution of the novel. And it is in football that all the structuring veins of the narrative are anchored. In this essay, we intend to present a reading of O drible evidencing the echoes of memories, along with the time, in the imbrications between the real and the fictional, from the memories of the character Murilo Filho.


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Author Biography

  • Marilda Aparecida de Oliveira Effting, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
    Graduada em Letras, pela UFSC, com mestrado em Literatura e Doutorado em andamento pela mesma Instituição.


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How to Cite

Effting, M. A. de O. (2018). Memories in step and passes in O Drible. Revista Criação & Crítica, 22, 132-142.