The South Atlantic through the looking glass of translation

Roblès and Monémbo in Brazil


  • Raquel Peixoto do Amaral Camargo USP
  • Mirella Botaro Sorbonne - Paris IV



Translation, Cliché, Stereotype, Brazil, Africa, Foreign


This essay seeks to articulate the south-south axis (Brazil-Africa) with the north-south (France-Brazil), launching a reflexion about the translation of two francophone novels in Brazil:    Pelourinho (1995, Seuil), by the Guinean author Tierno Monénembo, and Là où les tigres sont chez eux (2008, Zulma), by the French writer Jean-Marie Blas de Roblès. Considered simplistic, when not reductive or prejudgemental, the use of clichés tend to be frowned upon in literary texts. Nevertheless, in those two novels, the role they plays seems to go beyond that expected due to its "common place", namely the worn-out, repeated imagery that doesn't offer anything new or different. What does "Brazil", which is unveiled in these two romances, say about its relationship with the Other, be it African, European or specifically French? What inflexions might clichés about Brazil attain once transplanted into Brazil itself? What transformations does the translation process implicate when it comes to its literary treatment? Should/could the translation act on the "stigmatizing" and "culturalistic" imagery produced in/by francophone texts (France, Africa)? Those issues are key for the reflexion that we aim to launch on the South Atlantic axis, be this reflexion located between the "cliché" and its translation.


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Author Biographies

  • Raquel Peixoto do Amaral Camargo, USP

    Doutorando na área de Tradução do Programa de Estudos Linguísticos, Literários e Tradutológicos em Francês na USP.

  • Mirella Botaro, Sorbonne - Paris IV
    Doutoranda em Estudos Lusófonos na Université Paris - Sorbonne.


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How to Cite

Camargo, R. P. do A., & Botaro, M. (2018). The South Atlantic through the looking glass of translation: Roblès and Monémbo in Brazil. Revista Criação & Crítica, 22, 35-56.