Sergio Blanco (1971 - 2015)

o suicídio como ato poético


  • Ricardo Augusto de Lima Universidade Estadual de Londrina



scenic autofiction, Sergio Blanco, La ira de Narciso, space of death, suicide


Based on the rather recent concept of scenic autofiction, this article proposes an approach between the artwork La ira de Narciso, by Sergio Blanco (2015), and some principles of Maurice Blanchot such as the ‘expérience du dehors’ – Limit-experience – and the idea of literature as a space of death. Once the literary language is understood as one establishing a new reality, it is possible to ponder the death of a homonymous character as a fictional suicide or, borrowing Angélica Liddell’s expression, a sacrifice as a poetic act. Furthermore, the death of a persona who receives the name of its author evokes the Roland Barthes’ discussion about the author’s death. Here, such deed is materialised in two forms; by the destruction of every voice preceding the literary text; and through the self-destruction promoted by the always parricide writing in the here-now of literature and, more emphatically, theatre. Therefore, within these considerations, it is relevant to contemplate the problems of depiction as well as the way literature becomes a stage to the allure and dread of the ‘I’ with regard to one’s own death and your potency of creation.


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How to Cite

Lima, R. A. de. (2019). Sergio Blanco (1971 - 2015): o suicídio como ato poético. Revista Criação & Crítica, 23, 135-160.