The faces of the narrator in Inferno Provisório, by Luiz Ruffato




Luiz Ruffato, Inferno Provisório, Narrator.×


Based on the assumption that the figure of the narrator of Inferno Provisório (2016), by Luiz Ruffato has disturbed both the reading public and the critics, we examined in this paper the identity of this fictional being who narrates the stories found in the novel. The purposes focus on revealing the identity of the one who is responsible for the act of enunciating and modeling the diegetic universe and interpreting the reason for the different modes of incursion in the dashboard of stories. For the investigative path, we adopted theoretical contributions that elucidate the categories of narrative discourse and cross over history, memory and fiction. The findings confirm the uniqueness of the novel's narrator and a narrative strategy that not only amplifies but subverts traditional ways of narrating.


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How to Cite

Silva, D. C. da. (2020). The faces of the narrator in Inferno Provisório, by Luiz Ruffato. Revista Criação & Crítica, 28, 188-202.