The conquest of self-love: a fragment analysis of a love discourse, Uma história da poligamia, Paulina Chiziane.




Roland Barthes, Language figures, Enonciation Linguistics, Paulina Chiziane, Love discourse


Barthes is a a literacy critic who knew how to elaborate a unique theoretical perspective on the literary work of his time, contributing to the expansion of contemporary linguistic theories, notably Émile Benveniste’s Linguistics of Enunciation (Perrone-Moisés, 2012). Our hypothesis is that Barthes presentes his own view of the figure of language – expreessed explicitly in the Seminaires (2007) – which imposes on Linguistics of Enunciation reconceptualization of some of its terms, specially enunciation and discourse.  This work presents a double and intertwined objective: first, understand the functioning of the figure of language in the work of Roland Barthes, specially Fragments of a Lover’s Discourse (1994), second, carry out a figurative reading of the work Niketsche: uma história da poligamia, de Paulina Chiziane. It is presented a reading by fragmente-figures, subdivided into three constellations, called star-figures and satellite-figures, and we observer the intertextual relationships between these constellations. We found the satellite figure “Niketsche da vida” has a great influence on the narrative construction. Unlike Perrone-Moises (2012), we conclude that the love discourse emerging from narrative can also be a discourse of power: the emancipation of women in face of a polygamous society.


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Author Biography

  • Silvana Silva, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

    PhD Linguistics. Professor at PPG-LET-UFRGS. 


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How to Cite

Silva, S. (2022). The conquest of self-love: a fragment analysis of a love discourse, Uma história da poligamia, Paulina Chiziane. Revista Criação & Crítica, 33, 64-85.