The circulation of some bathesian notions in los diarios de Emilio Renzi


  • Lucas Guastini dos Santos Universidade de São Paulo



Roland Barthes, Ricardo Piglia, Circulation of criticism


The aim of this article is to investigate the circulation of Roland Barthes's ideas in Los Diarios de Emilio Renzi by the Argentine writer Ricardo Piglia. Throughout the three volumes of the diaries, Ricardo Piglia mobilizes a constellation of works and authors, Barthes being one of the cited writers. Exploring the frequency of citations and their content, we can glimpse some aspects of the presence of Barthesian notions of literary criticism and how they were read and understood by Piglia. Piglia's movement towards or away from Barthesian work provides clues to the movement of Argentine criticism towards the French ideas that circulated in the period. It is possible, therefore, to establish relationships between citations to Barthes in this work by Piglia and the circulation of Barthesian notions in Argentine literary criticism, seeking to understand how this criticism was transformed by these notions.


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Author Biography

  • Lucas Guastini dos Santos, Universidade de São Paulo

    Mestrando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras Estrangeiras e Tradução da Universidade de São Paulo (PPG-LETRA/USP)


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How to Cite

Santos, L. G. dos. (2023). The circulation of some bathesian notions in los diarios de Emilio Renzi. Revista Criação & Crítica, 35, 307-330.