The Invisible Poet: The Subject's Position In The Chilean Flag, By Elvira Hernández, Based On The Barthesian Death Of The Author


  • Helena Zelic Universidade Estadual de Campinas



Elvira Hernández, Roland Barthes, The Death of the Author, Censorship


The article proposes an approximation between ethic and the writing procedures of the Chilean poet Elvira Hernández (1951-) and the perspective of the French critic Roland Barthes (1915-1980) about the author's position, described in the essay “The Death of the Author”, published in The Rustle of Language. To do so, three poems from La bandera de Chile (1991) [The Chilean Flag] have been analyzed in relation to the construction of the subject in the literary work. A dialogue between Barthes and Hernández is elaborated, anchored in interviews and critical texts by the poet, in which she defends the priority of the word over the author. The article also traces a brief panorama of Barthes’ circulation in dictatorial Chile, mapping relations between poets, teachers, and critics, as well as texts in which they mention the Barthesian thought, and proposing a reading on its aesthetic-political consequences in the authoritarian and censorial context of the period.


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How to Cite

Zelic, H. (2023). The Invisible Poet: The Subject’s Position In The Chilean Flag, By Elvira Hernández, Based On The Barthesian Death Of The Author. Revista Criação & Crítica, 35, 100-117.