“Déplacer la parole, c’est faire une révolution”: Barthes, for a peripheral criticism


  • Ester Pino Universidad de Barcelona




Barthes, Reception, Literary criticism, Hispanism, Periphery.


This contribution aims to understand the uses of barthesian theory in Hispanic literary criticism through the concept of periphery, taking the examples of two Argentine magazines (Los libros and Literal) and a Catalan one (Diwan) that emerged during the seventies. First, we will follow the barthesian work’s reception on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean and we will analyze how Barthes’s name has been used as a standard of a criticism that understands itself as peripheral and, at the same time, participates in the intellectual field analyzing a writing that is external to the canon. Secondly, we will discuss how the barthesian propositions, supported on a rhetoric in a constant relation with the epistemological turn during the sixties, are still ways of revitalizing the critical activity.


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Author Biography

  • Ester Pino, Universidad de Barcelona
    Doutoranda na Universidad de Barcelona e pesquisadora do Grupo de Literatura Comparada en l'Espai Intel·lectual Europeu na mesma universidade


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How to Cite

Pino, E. (2015). “Déplacer la parole, c’est faire une révolution”: Barthes, for a peripheral criticism. Revista Criação & Crítica, spe, 136-142. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1984-1124.v0ispep136-142