Four women, four songs: The representation of the feminine stereotype in Chico Buarque's poetry


  • Henrique Lima Araujo Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)



Chico Buarque, feminine, stereotype


The paper aimed to analyze the representation of the feminine stereotype in four feminine songs of Chico Buarque's work, taking the lyrics into account, as well as the arrangements and intonations. They are: “Com açúcar, com afeto”; “Olhos nos olhos”; “Folhetim" and “Se eu soubesse”. At the end, one can conclude that in spite of society having changed since the first to the last song, the representation of women remained similar.


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Author Biography

  • Henrique Lima Araujo, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
    Graduado em Letras - Licenciatura (UFRGS).  Mestrando em Literatura. Linha de pesquisa: Literatura, Sociedade e História da Literatura (UFRGS).  Orientadora: Regina Zilberman


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How to Cite

Araujo, H. L. (2018). Four women, four songs: The representation of the feminine stereotype in Chico Buarque’s poetry. Revista Crioula, 21, 698-715.