
  • Inês Cardoso Instituto de Literatura Comparada Margarida Losa



Alberto Pimenta, Portuguese poetry, erotic poetry, representations of the feminine, eroticism


Abstract: In order to contemplate the eroticisation of the female body in Portuguese poetry from the second half of the twentieth century, it is necessary to re-visit the new image of woman. Attempting to fight against the repression that characterized the “Estado Novo” dictatorship, several personalities became involved in the struggle for democracy and women’s rights; at that time women were strongly subjugated by the patriarchal power. In this context, poetry represented an important means of rebellion, reflecting a libertarian vision of female sexuality and the purposes of the feminist struggle, which can only be fully understood given its plural nature. Focusing on the first four works of Alberto Pimenta, whose process of writing coincided with the period of the Portuguese dictatorship, this article seeks to understand the way female figures emerge from a poetic practice in which eroticism always appeared in tandem with a callous social criticism.


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Author Biography

  • Inês Cardoso, Instituto de Literatura Comparada Margarida Losa

    Licenciada em Línguas, Literaturas e Culturas (Plano Bidisciplinar Português/Inglês) pela Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto. Concluiu, em 2016, o Mestrado em Estudos Literários, Culturais e Interartes (Ramo de Estudos Comparatistas e Relações Interculturais) – com a dissertação intitulada "O futuro já mostra que ontem foi há muito tempo: A resistência à globalização em Alberto Pimenta" – na mesma instituição. Integra o Instituto de Literatura Comparada Margarida Losa como investigadora em formação.


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______. Os entes e os contraentes. Coimbra: Edição de Autor, 1971.

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How to Cite

Cardoso, I. (2017). REPRESENTATIONS OF THE FEMININE IN THE EROTIC POETRY OF ALBERTO PIMENTA. Revista Desassossego, 9(17), 183-197.