Futurism: between carnivalization and reedification





Portuguese futurism, Italian futurism, Multidiscursivity, Carnivalization, Reconfiguration


We will try to reflect on some literary, aesthetic and artistic figurations that shaped the futuristic avant-garde gesture (Italian and Portuguese): a strong sense of carnivalization and transcendence; the intensification of the subject’s dehumanization; the pluridiscursive categorization of futuristic speech and gesture; the configuration of an attitude of revolt, which, in the first instance, involves a reconfiguration of the relationship between the futuristic “self” and the community and, ultimately, the reconfiguration of the identity of that community. In this sense, we will resort to a corpus of work delimited essentially by the literary manifestos of Italian Futurism and Portuguese Futurism, emphasizing the relationship between the individual and the collectivity, between the futuristic “I”, or “We”, and the Other (collective). We will then try to justify the extent to which this relationship combines the open confrontational attitude, the disagreement with the community, with the modification of the collective consciousness and the construction of a new historic stadium and a new identity.


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How to Cite

Vila Maior, D. (2021). Futurism: between carnivalization and reedification. Revista Desassossego, 13(26), 128-146. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2175-3180.v13i26p128-146