O Brasil com axé: candomblé e umbanda no mercado religioso


  • Reginaldo Prandi Universidade de São Paulo; Departamento de Sociologia


MUCH HAS changed in Brazil since the studies of Roger Bastide in the 1940s, including the religious milieu of the Afro-Brazilian religions. Old trends were confirmed, new directions imposed themselves. Newfangled religions confront the more established ones; old religions take on new forms and convey renewed contents to face increasingly strenuous competition in the religious marketplace. I will deal here with a demographically small religious faction that is nevertheless important in Brazilian culture because of the visibility of its followers: the Afro-Brazilian religions. I will examine the various census figures in an attempt to assess the breadth of Afro-Brazilian religions and will examine some traits of their followers - such as race and educational level. Then, without losing sight of the constitutional and organizational peculiarities of the cults and the terreiros [ritual grounds of the Candomble religion], I will attempt an explanation for the changes these religions are presently undergoing.


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How to Cite

Prandi, R. (2004). O Brasil com axé: candomblé e umbanda no mercado religioso . Estudos Avançados, 18(52), 223-238. https://www.journals.usp.br/eav/article/view/10033