Amazônia: como aproveitar os benefícios da destruição?


  • Alfredo Kingo Oyama Homma Embrapa Amazônia Oriental


Amazon, sustainable underdevelopment, desglobalization, demystification


THE SOLUTION of the problems in the Amazon is not independent, but connected with other parts of Brazil and the world. The reduction of deforestation and fire in the Amazon depends on the development of appropriate agricultural activities in areas already deforested and that they have market, instead of the "sustainable" use of the forest and of diffuse rights. In that sense, an agricultural policy would have more positive effects than an environmental policy, which cannot be made in an isolated way of the other areas of the country, under the risk of transferring population contingents from other places. There is the need to elevate the productivity of the agricultural activities in the Amazon, to reduce the pressure over the natural resources under exhaustion risk, to motivate rational plantings of potential extractive resources, to substitute the imports of tropical products (rubber, oil palm, cocoa, etc.), to improve the exchange relationship of Amazonian products versus those imported from the Manaus Free Zone, promote the reclamation of areas that should not have been deforested and promote the full potential use of the areas already deforested, among others.


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Dossiê Amazônia Brasileira II

How to Cite

Homma, A. K. O. (2005). Amazônia: como aproveitar os benefícios da destruição? . Estudos Avançados, 19(54), 115-135.