Gestão pública: fluxo e refluxo


  • Pedro Scuro Neto secretarias de Relações do Trabalho e da Administração e Modernização do Serviço Público (SP)


An attempt to dissolve the heavy mist involving the discourse on the crisis of the State, through concentration on data, argument and problems which public opinion refused to discuss or left behind. The crisis of public management is seen as a movement of flux and reflux, or less fleetingly, flowing according to a self-generating cycle whose phases derive from past conditions and contradictions and further new recurrences and homeostasis, automatic corrective reactions triggered by sudden violent changes, as described here. The essay discards conventional analytical segregation of the public sector and representation of the political process as a configuration of interests, arguably irrelevant nowadays in view of the need of assessing affirmatively existing institutional mechanisms and procedures for the formation of public policy.


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Ética e Política

How to Cite

Scuro Neto, P. (1995). Gestão pública: fluxo e refluxo . Estudos Avançados, 9(23), 129-148.