As mulheres na ciência brasileira: crescimento, contrastes e um perfil de sucesso


  • Jacqueline Leta


HISTORICALLY science has been pointed out as a male activity. Unfortunatelly, this portrait has changed only after 2nd World War. The present study shows data of female participation within some undergraduate courses at UFRJ (including some which are traditionally carried by males), within the research groups registered in the CNPq database and within the teacher's staff of USP. The study also shows that, although females are increasing within the Brazilian system of science & technology, they seem to have less chances to ascend in career: they are less granted with CNPq fellowship, they are underrepresented within the academic positions at UFRJ and within the members of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences.


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Woman, Women

How to Cite

Leta, J. (2003). As mulheres na ciência brasileira: crescimento, contrastes e um perfil de sucesso . Estudos Avançados, 17(49), 271-284.